An alphabetical listing of abstracts submitted for the Pacific Workshop is detailed below. This list is current as of August 14, 1996. For additional information about the 1996 Pacific Workshop, contact Ms. Sasha Walters at the U.S. WOCE Office.
Author | Affiliation | |
1 | Aoyama, Michio Joyce, Terrence | Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
2 | Bennett, Andrew Chua, Boon Harrison, Ed McPhaden, Mike | Oregon State University Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory |
3 | Bingham, Frederick | University of North Carolina |
4 | Bograd, Steven | University of British Columbia, Canada |
5 | Bullister, John | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory |
6 | Caldwell, Patrick | National Oceanographic Data Center |
7 | Chelton, Dudley | Oregon State University |
8 | Chen, Chen-Tung Arthur | Institute of Marine Geology, Republic of China |
9 | Chen, Chen-Tung Arthur Wang, Shu-Lun Huang, Hsiu-I Annie | Institute of Marine Geology, Republic of China |
10 | Chereskin, Teresa | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
11 | Davis, Russ | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
12 | Endoh, Masahiro | Meteorological Research Institute, Japan |
13 | Fine, Rana | Rosenstiel School, University of Miami |
14 | Firing, Eric Hacker, Peter Donohue, Kathy Chen, Shui-Ming | University of Hawaii |
15 | Flosadottir, Agusta | National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory |
16 | Freeland, Howard | Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada |
17 | Fukasawa, Masao | Tokai University, Japan |
18 | Fukumori, Ichiro | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
19 | Gangopadhyay, Avijit Fu, Lee-Lueng Chao, Yi | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
20 | Gille, Sarah | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
21 | Gouretski, Viktor Jancke, Kai | Max-Planck-Institut für Maritime Meteorologie, Germany Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie, Germany |
22 | Haidvogel, Dale | Rutgers University |
23 | Hall, Norman | National Oceanographic Data Center |
24 | Hallock, Zack | Naval Research Laboratory |
25 | Hanawa, Kimio | Tohoku University, Japan |
26 | Hautala, Susan Thompson, LuAnne | University of Washington |
27 | Hurlburt, Harley | Naval Research Laboratory |
28 | Imawaki, Shiro | Kyushu University, Japan |
29 | Ishii, Masao | Meteorological Research Institute, Japan |
30 | Jacobs, Gregg | Naval Research Laboratory |
31 | Jenkins, William | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
32 | Ji, Ming | National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
33 | Johnson, Greg | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory |
34 | Jones, Charles | Institute for Computational Earth System Science |
35 | Joyce, Terrence | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
36 | Kaneko, Ikuo Takatsuki, Yasushi Kamiya, Hitomi | Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan Climate and Marine Department, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan |
37 | Kashino, Yuji | Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Japan |
38 | Kawabe, Masaki | University of Tokyo, Japan |
39 | Kelly, Kathryn | University of Washington |
40 | Key, Robert | Princeton University |
41 | Kilonsky, Bernard | University of Hawaii |
42 | Koblinsky, Chet | Goddard Space Flight Center |
43 | Lagerloef, Gary | Earth and Space Research |
44 | LeBel, Deborah | University of Washington |
45 | Legler, David | Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies |
46 | Legler, David O'Brien, James | Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies |
47 | Lie, Heung-Jae | Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Korea |
48 | Lukas, Roger | University of Hawaii |
49 | Lupton, John Well, Roland | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Oregon State University |
50 | Macdonald, Alison | Oregon State University |
51 | Maltrud, Mathew | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
52 | McCartney, Michael Baringer, Molly O'Neil | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
53 | McClean, Julie | Naval Postgraduate School |
54 | McWilliams, Jim | University of California - Los Angeles |
55 | Metzger, E. Joseph | Naval Research Laboratory |
56 | Meyers, Steven | Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies |
57 | Min, Dong-Ha | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
58 | Mitsuzawa, Kyohiko | Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Japan |
59 | Mordy, Calvin | Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory |
60 | Morris, Michele | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
61 | Musgrave, Dave | University of Alaska |
62 | Myers, Paul Weaver, Andrew | University of Victoria, Canada |
63 | Nagata, Yutaka | Mie University, Japan |
64 | Niiler, Peter | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
65 | Nishina, Ayako Fukasawa, J. M. Yasuda, I. Yoritaka, H. | Tokai University Graduate School of Marine Science, Japan Tokai University School of Marine Science and Technology, Japan Hokkaido University, Japan Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Japan |
66 | Nunez, Rodrigo | Florida State University |
67 | O'Dwyer, Jane | University of Liverpool, U.K. |
68 | Orsi, Alejandro | University of Washington |
69 | Paduan, Jeffrey | Naval Postgraduate School |
70 | Panteleev, Gleb Grotov, Alexander | P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russia Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia |
71 | Pillsbury, Dale Berger, Mindy | Oregon State University |
72 | Pu, Shuzhen | First Institute of Oceanography, Republic of China |
73 | Qiu, Bo Koh, Deborah Lumpkin, Claude Flament, Pierre | University of Hawaii |
74 | Reid, Joseph | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
75 | Rienecker, Michele | Goddard Space Flight Center |
76 | Roden, Gunnar | University of Washington |
77 | Rodgers, Keith | Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory |
78 | Rogachev, Konstantin | Pacific Oceanological Institute, Russia |
79 | Rongfeng, Li Xiaobao, You | Academia Sinica, China Air Force Institute of Meteorology, China |
80 | Rudnick, Daniel | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
81 | Saunders, Peter M. Coward, Andrew C. | Southampton Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom |
82 | Shcherbina, Andrey | P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russia |
83 | Shriver, Jay Hurlburt, Harley | Naval Research Laboratory |
84 | Springer, Scott | Oregon State University |
85 | Sprintall, Janet | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
86 | Stammer, Detlef | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
87 | Strub, Ted | Oregon State University |
88 | Suga, Toshio | Tohoku University, Japan |
89 | Suginohara, Nobuo | Center for Climate System Research, Japan |
90 | Swift, James | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
91 | Talley, Lynne | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
92 | Tokmakian, Robin | Naval Postgraduate School |
93 | Toole, John | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
94 | Top, Zafer | University of Miami |
95 | Torstenson, Roger | NOAA/NESDIS, National Oceanographic Data Center |
96 | Tsimplis, Michael N. | Southampton Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom |
97 | Walker, Stephen | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
98 | Wang, Liping Koblinsky, Chet | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center |
99 | Wang, Wei | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory |
100 | Warner, Mark | University of Washington |
101 | Warren, Bruce | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
102 | Watanabe, Tomowo Mizuno, Keisuke Okazaki, Makoto | National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Japan |
103 | Weiss, Ray | Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
104 | Wijffels, Susan | CSIRO Division of Oceanography, Australia |
105 | Wunsch, Carl | Massachussetts Institute of Technology |
106 | Yasuda, Ichiro | Hokkaido University, Japan |
107 | Yasuda, Tamaki | Tohoku University, Japan |
108 | Zamudio, Luis | Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies |
Updated:August 14, 1996