SIO 210: Fall 2002

Thermohaline Circulation II: Observations of Deep Water Formation


Study Questions


  1. The formation rate of North Atlantic Deep Water is approximately 13 Sv (1 SV = 106 m3/s) and the mean potential temperature of the water mass is 2.5 oC. Suppose the source water which feeds the formation process enters the North Atlantic basin by crossing the equator with a mean temperature of 16 oC. What is the magnitude of the heat loss (over the combined North Atlantic and Greenland/Norwegian Seas) associated with the formation of NADW? (in Watts)
  2. The surface inflow to the Mediterranean Sea through the Straits of Gibralter is 1 Sv with a mean salinity of 36.1 psu. The mean salinity of the lower, outflowing layer is observed to be 38.4 psu. Assuming that salt is conserved in the Mediterranean basin, what is the size of the transport of the outflowing layer? What is the sum of Evaporation-minus-Precipitation for the basin (in kg/s)? The area of the basin is about 2.5 x 106 km2. What is the average (E-P) in cm/yr? (Neglect river runoff in you calculations.) [answers]

Figures from class

Many of these courtesy of Regional Oceanography: An Introduction. by Matthias Tomczak and Stuart Godfery

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Last modified: Wed Nov 13 16:29:23 2002