UCSD ESYS 10 Introduction to Environmental Systems
Winter 2006
March 7
Discussion period: complete Case Study 3: Biodiversity (fisheries)
Carbon Reservoirs Fossil Fuel Reserves
ForEST: Overview of
Fossil Fuel Energy Resources
Energy Overview
Fossil Energy (Department of Energy)
Fuel Reserves (U. Sydney)
Drilling to the Ends of
the Earth (Rainforest Action Network)
Missing Carbon Sink
The Missing Carbon Sink
(Woods Hole Research Center)
International Group
Searches For Missing Carbon Sink (UniSci)
A Sink for Missing
Carbon Discovered in Northern Forests (Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the USA)
CO2 Fertilization Factor and the ``Missing'' Carbon Sink
of the Missing Carbon (NASA)
Forecasting Future Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Climate Change
2001: The Scientific Basis (IPCC)
IPCC Emissions
IPCC Projections for
Future Climate Change
Overview of the Earth System
Bretherton diagram
Bretherton diagram in color
Alternative energy
modification March 7, 2006
email: Lynne Talley