UCSD  ESYS 10 Introduction to Environmental Systems

Winter 2006

Exam information

Return to home page for ESYS10: http://talleylab.ucsd.edu/ltalley/esys10/esys10_talley_2006.htm

Material covered for Midterm:

Material covered for Final:

Past Exams (note that material was covered in a different order each year):

Description from Syllabus:

Exams will include short answer and essay segments. Short answer questions may be lifted directly from the review sections at the end of each chapter in the book or may come from other material that we have discussed in class. Some questions may require writing a few words (to correct a false statement, for example) while others will require a short paragraph. Essay questions will usually grow out of material that we have discussed in case studies or other group exercises. Typically you will be asked to read a short passage about an environmental issue and to comment on it from both a scientific and policy perspective. The essays that receive the best grades usually contain clear and well-thought out arguments that are supported by factual evidence.

The midterm will cover the first two case studies and the textbook chapters that we discuss in class prior to the midterm. The final exam will be cumulative. It will cover all four case studies and all of the assigned textbook chapters (though it will emphasize the textbook material from the second half of the course.)

No books, no notes. You may bring your own answers to chapter review questions.

Please note that university policy does not allow you to reschedule exams for personal reasons.


Last modification March 30 2006